Types of Inspections

Commercial inspections are very different from Residential Inspections, requiring vast knowledge and specific training of applicable standards and regulations. Hiring an inspection company, not knowledgeable in commercial inspections may wind up to be very costly. En-Vision Property Inspections inspector's bring the expertise and experience to the table that are very hard to find. Commercial inspections can be customized to your individual needs. From an overall visual inspection up the the stringent ASTM standards and anywhere in between. Contact En-Vision today for your personalized commercial inspection.
A home inspection / buyer's inspection is a visual examination of the home in order to identify structural, health, safety and mechanical issues. Cosmetic items are not noted unless they possess a safety issue. The home inspector will verify the condition of the home's heating system; air conditioning system (temperature permitting); interior plumbing system; electrical; roof; attic; crawl space; basement; foundation; insulation; walls; ceilings; floors; windows; doors and appliances.

This is a full inspection for the seller to better understand the condition of their home prior to listing their home for sale.
It is a visual examination of the home in order to identify structural, health, safety and mechanical issues. Cosmetic items are not noted unless they possess a safety issue. The home inspector will verify the condition of the home's heating system; air conditioning system (temperature permitting); interior plumbing system; electrical; roof; attic; crawl space; basement; foundation; insulation; walls; ceilings; floors; windows; doors and appliances.

Your home goes through a lot before you start noticing the wear and tear in places. Maybe the floors are cracking, the paint is chipping, or the pipes are leaking. Remodeling is definitely in your future, but don’t rush into it. Hiring a professional to conduct remodeling home inspections before, and after, your project will help protect the investment of your upgrades.
During your remodel, it is also wise to have a home inspector check in on the work, ensuring that everything is properly completed. If at any point the work is not properly completed, then you and the contractor could discuss options for repairs and or corrections. Waiting for a home inspector to check each stage of the process will take time, but you can schedule regular inspections during the work to keep your timetable on track.
​According to the National Association of Home Builders, more than 3,000 components are used in constructing a house. Roughly 20 different sub-contractors most likely install these 3,000 components and each sub-contractor may employ as many as 4 to 5 different employees to work on the house. Upon completion, your house could have seen more than 100 different people working with these 3,000 components, including sub-contractors for things such as roofing, framing, painting, drywall, electrical, flooring, appliances, insulation, etc. With so many people working on a home and with so many components to the actual construction, mistakes can be made. No home is perfect but it’s important to know which aspects of a home are worth repairing and which are deal-breakers. Living in a newly built home is exciting and typically, comes with far fewer issues that buying an older home. To ensure your long term happiness, safety and financial stability, hiring a home inspector to check out a new construction home will ensure you’re not investing in an asset that requires major repairs.

A home is built by multiple subcontractors, and even though there is a general contractor overseeing it all, human error or faulty materials are possible. Builders are aware that new construction may have issues, so they often offer a builder’s warranty. Some flaws won’t be noticed during the first year of living in the home unless you hire an experienced and trained home inspector. This is one reason why you should order an inspection on new construction.
If defects related to the original construction are discovered during the 11th-month inspection, they may be covered by the builder’s warranty. Schedule the 11th-month inspection at the beginning of the last month of your warranty coverage so you will have time to file warranty claims. If you wait until a few days before the warranty expiration date, you will be rushing to submit the claim in time.
If you assume that your new construction home is flawless just because you haven’t noticed anything wrong, you might be setting yourself up for unpleasant surprises later. Defects with a system or the structure might not show until they malfunction or require serious repairs. By this time, the warranty is long-expired and making the repairs is not the builder’s responsibility. You will have to pay for it out-of-pocket, even if it was a mistake from the original construction.

An investment inspection is different from a home inspection. For example, you may not be concerned as much about loose faucets, cabinet damage, or stained carpet since those are all items you are going to replace anyway.
On the other hand, you will want to heavily focus on the main components of the home. This includes the exterior; foundation; structure; roof; electrical; plumbing; and HVAC. It is important to obtain a detailed assessment of existing systems because this will inform you of the type and degree of renovation needed.
NO warranties are provided for an Investment Inspection.
Households and businesses that are not served by public sewers depend on onsite wastewater treatment systems to treat and dispose of their wastewater. Wastewater treatment systems are most commonly known as septic systems.
Having your septic system inspected and pumped (every 3-5 years) is a bargain when you consider the cost of replacing the entire system. Failing septic systems are expensive to repair and replace and poor maintenance is often the culprit.
An unusable septic system or one in disrepair will lower your property value and could pose a legal liability. To sell your home, the disposal system has to be in good working order.

A sewer scope inspection is a video inspection of the lateral sewer line leading from the house at/near the foundation and connecting to the city or HOA tap.
A lateral sewer line is the privately-owned pipeline connecting the property to the publicly-owned main sewer line or HOA tap.
Sewer-scoping the line can reveal blockages, damage to the pipe system, and other problems, which are vital for homeowners and home buyers to be aware of. Common problems include tree roots, holes, pooling, cracks and pipe separation.
A standard sewer scope inspection for a single family residence takes approximately one hour to complete.

Because decks appear to be simple to build, many people do not realize that decks are, in fact, structures that need to be designed to adequately resist certain stresses. Like any other house or building, a deck must be designed to support the weight of people, snow loads, and objects. A deck must be able to resist lateral and uplift loads that can act on the deck as a result of wind or seismic activity. Deck stairs must be safe and handrails graspable. And, finally, deck rails should be safe for children by having proper infill spacing.
A pool inspector will check into safety features to make sure the pool area is safe, especially with young children and pets around. They check the condition of the pool structure, interior finish, pool equipment, electrical wiring, plumbing and surrounding hardscape..
All our inspectors are Certified Advanced Pool Inspectors thru APSP University.

Radon gas is the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water and gets into the air you breath. Radon gas has no taste, color or smell. The radon gas in soil leaks into homes through cracks and other openings in the foundation. Radon gas is the 2nd leading cause of LUNG CANCER in the United States – second only to smoking. Radon can be found all over the U.S. It can get into any building, home, school, etc. Any home can have Radon gas, including new and old homes, well-sealed and draft homes, and homes with or without basements. But you and your family are most likely to get your greatest exposure at home, where you spend most of your time.
We use electronic monitors that measure the air every hour. We follow EPA protocol for a 48 hour test with a 12 hour delay.

A termite inspection is a visual inspection of the readily accessible areas of a home for evidence of wood-destroying insects. The inspector will visually inspect the entire interior of the home (including the basement and / or crawlspace) as well as the exterior of the property.
The inspector will provide proper documentation as required.
Mold is a byproduct of the breakdown of organic matter, such as plants, wood, food and certain beverages. The problem posed to humans by mold is their spores, which can be released into the air and land on damp surfaces indoors, where they will continue to grow, if the conditions are right. Mold growth left unaddressed can quickly spread and result in damage to the structure of a home. More importantly, mold can compromise the respiratory health of susceptible individuals.
Mold testing involves two main methods: air sampling and surface sampling. Both types require analysis by a certified laboratory.
Water quality testing is a specialized but simple test that checks a home's water supply for contaminants and pollutants, such as chlorine, lead, and coliform bacteria. Testing can also reveal chemical imbalances of the pH, and other attributes, such as hardness. Testing ensures that the home's water is potable and safe for everyday use.
We offer 2 types of water testing:
Basic - checks for Coliform Bacteria, E-Coli Bacteria and Nitrates.
Deluxe - checks for 3 forms Coliform Bacteria, E-Coli Bacteria, Nitrates, Arsenic and Lead

A well is an important part of the water system for homes that have one. It provides the water that we drink, cook with, and bathe in so it is important to keep it clean.
We offer 2 types of Well Inspections:
Basic Well Inspection - the inspector will inspect the well head, visible well casing, pressure tank, pressure gauge, and switch. Interior plumbing and water conditioning are not part of a well inspection. No warranty, yield test or flow test are included. A basic well inspection does include basic water testing.
Deluxe Well Inspection - the inspector will inspect the well head, visible well casing, pressure tank, pressure gauge, switch, well yield, flow of the well, pump amps, and the cycle time of the pump. With this inspection, you may be eligible for a Free 3 Month well warranty from Well Guardian. Interior plumbing and water conditioning are not part of a well inspection. A basic water test is included with a deluxe well inspection.
Macomb County Environmental Health Department requires an approved evaluator for well inspections. We are an approved well inspector for Macomb County.
For more information on WelGard click here
51194 Romeo Plank Rd #328
Macomb, MI 48042
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